Volunteers step up to help at coronavirus vaccination clinic at John Hunt Park
Volunteers work to help Huntsville Hospital staff at the mass coronavirus vaccination clinic at John Hunt Park.
Posted: Feb 9, 2021 6:22 PM
Posted By: Sierra Phillips
To help make that possible, volunteers like Dr. Peter Loux are stepping up to the plate every day. We have to get our community back and the only way to get our community back is to vaccinate our community, said Dr. Loux.
Dr. Loux retired after a career as an anesthesiologist nearly a decade ago. But when the clinic needed more volunteers for the massive operation, he didn t hesitate to help.
Huntsville Hospital can vaccinate 3,000 people a week in Madison County
There was a steady stream of people coming in and out of the Jaycee Community building Tuesday and some were there to get the vaccine
Posted: Jan 19, 2021 8:25 PM
Posted By: Bridget Divers
Huntsville Hospital CEO David Spillers says the hospital system can vaccinate around 3,000 people a week in Madison County.
But thousands more are registering to get the vaccine.
There was a steady stream of people coming in and out of the Jaycee Community building Tuesday.
Some were there to get the vaccine and others came to volunteer. Our goal is to vaccinate as many of north Alabama that we can get taken care of. About 400 a day we re hoping to get. We hope that we ll maybe be able to do more, said Peter Loux, volunteer at the COVID clinic.