go home. and it is very unnerving to be a prisoner. reporter: the defense department says the 23-year-old american soldier left his base june 30th. how or why is unclear. the taliban claim they have him, posting this video to the internet. for the u.s. military, finding bergdahl is now a 24 hour a day mission. our commanders are sparing no effort to find this young soldier and i also would say my personal reaction was one of disgust at the exploitation of this young man. reporter: the military tried to keep bergdahl s identity a secret as long as they could. many in this close-knit community knew but didn t say a word. that was until his captors broadcast the video of bergdahl to the world. sue martin own as local coffee shop where bergdahl worked. she says he charmed everyone. is that the bowe that you know on that video in not exactly. it s bowe for sure. his voice was the most recognizable aspect of what i saw. reporter: his family is in seclusion and asked the s