really getting sick and tired of being sick and tired, and are deciding to come out and take a look at vehicles again. susie: this toyota dealer has high hopes for the new year. he thinks people will soon start buying cars again. tom: 2009 turned out to be the worst year in decades for the u.s. auto industry, with total sales barely topping 10 million cars and trucks. tonight, we look at where sales could be headed in the new year. you re watching nightly business report for tuesday, january 5. nightly business report is made possible by: this program is made possible by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. captioning sponsored by wpbt susie: good evening, everyone. talk about revved up ford s sales surged 33% in december, the only american auto maker that ended the year with a sales gain. tom: susie, those sales were a sharp u-turn for ford. but that wasn t the story over at g.m. and chrysler; both reportednother month of dropping
tonight on worldfocus a week after the killing of seven cia officers in afghanistan, an americ military ficial condemns u.s. intelligence flures there. if misery los mpany, we ha go news from europe. it is bitterly cold and snowy there, too. even the zoo animal can t escape therigid wther. we ll go bond the headlis to repor on the uneasy peace in bosn. can it hold? and from france, a controversial plan to di up the remains and rebury him in the pantheon. is it an honor an exercise in the absurd? fromhe different pepectives of reporters and analysts from aroundhe world, this i worldfocus. majosupport has been provided by rosalind p.alter and the peteg. peterson foundation, dedicated toromoting fiscal sponsibility and addressing y economic challenges facing america s future and additional fding is providedy the following pporters gooevening. welcome to worldfocus. i m daljit dhaliwal in new york. we begin tonight with a key issue of intelligence gathering in afgh
at least. the blue chips rack up a triple digit gain, powered higher by the nation s factories kicking into high gear. you re watching nightly business report for monday, january 4. nightly business report is made possible by: this program is made possible by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. captioning sponsored by wpbt ftd bombing of the u.s. jetliner by a suspect who received his training and explosives in yemen, passengers from yemen and 13 other countries now face additional security screening, including full-body scanning and pat-downs before flying to the united states. meanwhile in yemen, several other countries restricted public access to their embassies today joining the united states and britain. in tonight s lead focus, we have more on the situation in yemen from our german partner. reporter: cement barriers block access to the u.s. embassy which has been closed indefinitely. u.s. national security adviser john brennan said
tonight on worldfocus the taliban claims responsibility for a suicide bombing in afghanistan that killed eight cia employees. one of the agency s worst losses ever. how did the bomber get through security? a roadside bomb claims the lives of four canadian soldiers and a journalist. once again, raising questions in canada about its role in the war there. a disturbing look at how the young nigerian accused of trying to blow up a u.s. jetliner, changed from a life of privilege to a commitment to jihad. new year s celebrations, we welcome in 2010 and say good-bye to 2009. a year you could say was hard to bear. from the different perspectives of reporters and analysts from around the globe, this is worldfocus. major support has been provided by rosalind p. walter and the erson foundation, dedicated to promoting fiscal responsibility and addressing key economic challenges facing america s future. and additional funding is provided by the following supporters good
toght on worldfocus thealibanaims responsibility for a suicid bombing in afghanistan that kied eightcia employees. one of the agency sworst loss ever how did the bomberet throug security. aroadside bomb aims the lives offour canadian soldiers and a journalist. once again raising questionsin canada about its ro in the war there. a disturbing look at how the young nigerian accus of tryg to bow up u.s. jliner, changed fom a lifeof privilege to a commitment jihad. new year s celebrations, we welce in 2010 and say good-bye to 2009. a yearou could say was hard to bear. from thedifferent perspe perspectives of repor analts around the world, is is worldfocu jor support has been provide by rosalind p. wter and e peter g. peterson foundation, dedicated promoting fiscal resnsibility and addrsing key economic challees facing america s future. and additional funding is provided by the followin supporte od evening, i m martin vage, thank you for joing us. it was an atack so m