in this generation we have seen an extraordinary america. the greeks wrote so many years ago, to attain the status just of man and make gentle the life of this world. let us dedicate ourselves to the s and say a prayer for our country and for our people. it is the right thing to do. every time you say we re going to do this, because it is the right thing to do. at this critical moment in history, he brought something to the department and to the job which helped transform the sense of possible. it is impossible for me to imagine my life without having known him. the standard for attorney past, andnow, in the in the future is robert kennedy. tothere s a tendency mythologize not only what would he been but what he had been. at the same time, what happened in the kennedy administration was real. it has been recorded. its successes were meaningful and a change the nation. no matter what talent and individual possesses, no matter what energy he might as, no matter ho