From what comes out of this first, if you will, pilot phase so the reporting requirements will tell us a lot. And well be very informative to the next steps going forward. Thats feedback loop is something we want to give you detailed input on. But whats come out from this long process is now before you and the full board is a good compromise. Thanks very much. Thank you, mr. Cohen. Good afternoon, supervisors. Congratulations, supervisor mar, for your brilliant reelection. And thank you, supervisor wiener, for bringing this up. As tim cohen said a little while ag i am concerned also. I do work a lot with the construction industry. Im concerned if we only allow 375 units to be built, it aint gonna happen because people bankers might say, you know what, this is great, but whats going to happen after this . [speaker not understood]. Id like to say go forward but i think we really should think about expanding it. Thank you. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, m
Into a bedroom. Thats called a micro unit situation where you dont even have your own private bath and bedroom. This will provide people with their own living space and their own private kitchen and bathroom. I also completely agree with the point that was made that we need more Family Housing. We absolutely do. And we should be supporting that. But almost 40 of San Francisco ans live alone as i mentioned at the beginning. And we need to be focusing on that segment of the population as well. The two are not mutually exclusive. So, colleagues, this is a good compromise piece of legislation. Although i agree with mr. Cohen and with the Planning Commission that ideally obviously i introduced this with no cap on it and that would be my preference. But politics and legislation being the process that it is, we Work Together and we came up with what i think is a good compromise and i stand by that compromise. So, yeah, that came in too late. I dont think we can reopen public comment. Okay. So
Happen. But they also provided a lot of verbal and we had a lot of notes, feedback. Right now were going through all of that information and were analyzing what are the main concerns, and what do people want to preserve about what they like about the neighborhood as it exists today. So, our hope is to finish analyzing the information and then we go back to the community and have some proposals how to address what they would like to see addressed. We stuck to cleanliness, safety, noise, because the transportation issues, peter all bert had a big workshop on the week before. So we didnt focus as much on Public Transportation and traffic, although we did touch on where Traffic Control might be located and needed. So, were in the process. We havent come up with the answers yet, but we are going to and work with the community on some strategies to address the concerns that youre talking about, cleanliness and safety and impacts of different large events happening in the neighborhood. So, if
So, there is a need for Affordable Housing for families, students, seniors and everyone. Therefore, thats why we worked diligently with our allies and you supervisors to ensure that we have a cap to really see and analyze that this is a need. And we really appreciate you hearing our concerns and we look forward to working with the planning staff to actually look over those analysis. Thank you again and we hope to that you support this legislation. Thank you. I dont have any other cards. So, if anyone after mr. Cohen is interested in speaking, you can just go ahead and line up. Good afternoon, supervisors. Tim cohen on behalf of the Housing Action coalition. Id like to support the proposed legislation for new housing product efficiency dwelling units with one important exception. We have said repeatedly that edus are a logical necessary response for badly needed new housing in an extremely expensive housing market. Edus have long been common in other countries and are now starting to ap
Thank sarah short and also gail gilman from Community Housing partnership who wasnt here today who were very, very deeply involved in the negotiations and were really good negotiating partners in trying to work out this compromise. I also want to again thank president chiu who was also very supportive and helpful in helping all of us move to this process. I just had a couple final points. First of all, you know, i think we all a lot of people have it in our heads we would love for everyone to live in a singlefamily home or some really big spacious flat. And unfortunately thats not the reality of 2012 San Francisco. Very few people who are not fortunate enough to have bought or rented a large place a long time ago can afford to do that. Its just not an economic reality in San Francisco and we need to be housing everyone, not just the people who are lucky enough to be able to afford or to have spent a long time living in a reasonably priced large unit. We also, as much as we all support