the state s primary now three days away. newt gingrich and mitt romney a busy day ahead of them with events planned across the sunshine state and we have team coverage with you with nbc s ron mott in port st. lucie and peter alexander in pensacola. ron, i know you sat down with the former house speaker. what did he tell you? reporter: hey, there, alex. good saturday morning. we have the former speaker on the record on a number of things. he says his campaign is a threat to the political status quo in washington and that despite all of the money being spent against him, he says the people power back in his campaign will ultimately prevail. in winning south carolina s primary a week ago, newt gingrich shook up the gop establishment, which he says favors mitt romney and with florida s primary tuesday looming as a possible springboard toward the republican nomination, anti-gingrich voices are growing in tenor and tone. i think we ought to send newt