COVID-19 pandemic thrown into the mix for good measure. click to enlarge Speaking of the pandemic, COVID-19 has definitely been a naughty little virus, and it s resurging with a vengeance just like all those experts said it would. After ruining basically all of 2020, coronavirus is now targeting
Christmas. Remember when we were worried about running out of toilet paper, standing in line at
Costco, and I, for one, would just like to send my sincerest gratitude to
Lame Duck President Donald Trump for doing absolutely nothing to bring the
United States of America together in unity to prevent what we re experiencing right now. He s been on the naughty list for his whole life, so thankfully, I don t need to change a thing.
By Allen Root, San Luis Obispo
I’ve been trying to fill my head with happy thoughts these past few months, and “Woke on the Warpath” (Nov. 26) put a dent in that. I’m not sure how John Donegan derives his pronouncements if not from breathtaking naiveté. The now-scrubbed material from Cuesta College trustee Pete Sysak’s social media went
way beyond calling distant protesters “thugs,” it was vile, hateful, and I will not honor it with a description. Someone who hatefully denigrates so many of the same populations that the college is designed to serve has zero business serving in any capacity there. I won’t comment on John’s description of “nontraditional shopping” beyond saying that there are protesters, looters, and rioters. Specific actors in the summer’s protests, educate yourself. Look at the role white supremacists played, if you dare.
The Cuesta College board of trustees has done about all it can to boot trustee Pete Sysak from his position over controversial posts he shared to his Facebook page. But Sysak isn t budging. At a meeting on Dec. 9, the board of trustees unanimously approved a resolution to censure Sysak, the result of an ad hoc committee investigation into posts on his personal Facebook page where he identifies himself as a Cuesta College trustee that contain everything from totally false information to anti-LGBTQ-plus and anti-Islam sentiments, and messaging comparing Black Lives Matter protesters to thugs. click to enlarge