Dr. Senait Fisseha, a renowned figure in global public health, health equity and gender equality, will deliver the 2024 John and Marsha Ryan Bioethicist in Residence lecture at the SIU School of Law on Monday, March 4.
The Southern Illinois University Carbondale School of Theater and Dance and the School of Music are inviting audiences to share a time before emails and text messages – when letters sent by actual mail carried the hopes, dreams and passions of the lovelorn.
Five distinguished graduates of the Southern Illinois University School of Law will be honored next month when the law school holds its 50th anniversary gala.
Students from higher education honors programs and colleges from throughout Illinois will showcase their creativity and work when Southern Illinois University Carbondale hosts the Honors Council of the Illinois Region (HCIR) Student Symposium, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 23-24.
Father Joseph Brown, professor and director of Southern Illinois University Carbondale’s School of Africana and Multicultural Studies, is the keynote speaker for this spring’s Michael and Nancy Glassman Lecture on Tuesday, Feb. 13.