exclusive telling fox news that jennifer had problems during a bitter custody battle over five kids. she was deeply troubled and had a troubled past. the custody fight was breaking his way. she was a troubled woman, angry at him and we have as well as his anger at her, it s a divorce after all. jedediah: dulos family calling the situation dire as the search continues. dulos and his girlfriend have pleaded not guilty. pete? pete: president trump putting iran ons in the rank warning that the regime would face obliteration. i m not looking for war and if it is it will be obliteration like have you never seen before. i m not looking to do that. but you can t have a nuclear weapon. you want to talk? good. otherwise you are going to have a bad economy for the next three years. any preconditions?
analytic judgments and finds of a bunch of lying analysts and by the way these were professional experts on russia that were hand picked to be on this working group, sends a very chilling message to the intelligence community. pete: chilling message. former director of national intelligence james clapper sounding the alarm, his alarm over attorney general s bill barr s reported investigation in the role of the intelligence community during the early stages of the so-called russia probe. ed: does he have a substantive concern here or reason to worry about his own behavior? here to weigh in fox news contributor former chief attorney for the southern distinct of new york andrew mccarthy. andrew? good morning. ed: clapper is saying why are you second guessing the intel community. they have never gotten anything wrong, right, andrew? right. ed: i say is that facetiously, of course. they should be respected, of course, we should respect their work. but scrutinize it. review it, and peopl
that changed his mind. they shot down an unmanned drone, plane, whatever you want to call it. and here we are sitting with 150 dead people, and i didn t like it. i didn t think it was proportionate. national security sources say the scenario the president described highly, highly unusual. they say potential casualties on sides american and iranian would have been something in detail prior to planning any military options. they also say the precise projected numbers would have been shared with the president in his intelligence briefings and military con ops briefings and during the national security process. very surprised what he described. additionally senior administration officials told me yesterday that the prospect of military action remain in full force throughout this entire weekend. guys, back to you. pete. ed: it s clear and national security officials were
sweet corn just came in season. we will have you guys try some. we have donuts, blue berries we started our farm in 1916. so we have been farming for over 100 years at our location. started with our great, great grandfather. jedediah: awesome. pete: zac, right? what is it about farm effort market? why are they different. it s great. gives us a chance as a farm tore interact with our consumers and bring the freshest produce we have to the city. people love it. we love it. we get to interact with everyone. pete: can we try some of this. of course. jedediah: when i walk in here, i m overwhelmed by the beauty. what is the best thing to buy. sweet corn. try it raw? it s actually the sweetest raw. go ahead and try. jedediah: get pete liking the corn. that s great. head over to ed. what are you got over there.
sanctions. the question is how we deter iran from taking these very dangerous actions in the persian gulf while we wait for negotiations. pete: how do we because it s a bit underreported that iranian is upping uranium enrichment to a point where they could quickly get to weapons grade and that could red line is overused but we could reach a point where there is a points notify return. how do we deter them from that? right. well, they have been stockpiling low grade uranium and they re threatening to enrich that uranium to high to weapons grade level. that the question the president and the administration hasn t said whether that s a red line or not for whether we would take kinetic action. we could look at our ally israel, which has taken kinetic action and i think had they been in our place a couple of nights ago, they probably would have launched that attack and killed 150 iranians. we might also look back historically at the example of the tanker war in 1987- 88 where we r