peter is the one who has indicated, i ve been in landscaping for 20 years. i m tired. i m broken down. i want to be in the farming operation. what better way to take out roberto and to take out paul? to counter that argument the prosecution was forced to call pete as a witness, knowing that would make him a punching bag for parisi. she told me, you re a murderer aren t you, mr. moore? i said those are your words not mine. she thought she could, by grilling peter, uncover the evil, the monster. reporter: assistant attorney general david drewliner was there during the trial. i was completely satisfied there was no monster to uncover so i, for the most part, let her go at him. reporter: a courtroom tactic not appreciated by pete. after the first day i said,
said he hadn t been in paul s house in years. then at the trial defense attorney parisi played a wild card. she confronted pete with this. a video found on one of pete s computers seized just days after the bombing. slow motion video of a rat trap snapping on carrots and the like but ending on the burst of flame as the trap sets off a lighter just like a bomb. and i submit to you this video more or less comports with the diagram. well, it shows a rat trap hitting a lighter. what it shows though is a rat trap just an unusual kind of triggering device. it shows a screw activating the rat trap and then an industry incendiary component. reporter: so was pete investigating bomb making ideas? not a chance, countered the state. there is nothing on this hard drive that indicates to me
a year apart, paul and peter, who were in line to one day run the farms as partners. cousins but raised more like brothers. here they are in 1978, clad in cutoffs, fishing barehanded, latter day huck and tom. in 1980 they were on the same high school football team. roger s son, paul, was smart and handsome, bit of a playboy, while gus boy, peter, just two rows down, was tough and blunt, hot headed really. pete has a reputation, i think, over in colusa county. his mouth basically has given him a reputation because of the things that he has said. i m a little different than the rest of them. reporter: oh, boy. so he is. calls them as he sees them even when it comes to his own family. there is too much money involved and everybody is afraid of what they might lose if they say something, even if it s right. reporter: there was one family member pete did have a deep connection with. his grandfather, the family patriarch.
you don t hear a lot about a lot of families but you hear about the moore family. reporter: because they complain publicly about other wings of the family or at least complain in such a way that people complain in a way that other people found out about it. reporter: and the two cousins? pete i ve known for years almost since i ve been here. had a reputation for being a real hot head. a lot of mouth. he couldn t back it up. but he had a lot of mouth. without hardly an effort pete could piss you off. reporter: so when paul came to the authorities and said, i think pete is responsible for this, did the suspicion seem plausible? yes. reporter: yeah. it did because we knew that pete didn t get along with his family. we knew pete had a hot head. we knew pete had access to the property. reporter: and for paul to denounce peter, who was like his brother? sad perhaps, but it made sense to the d.a. s office, which signed off on the warrant to have pete s house searched. it
moore, detectives asked paul to come in for another meeting. come on in, have a seat. which he did willingly. took time off on a sunday afternoon, and the detective asked paul directly. do you have a prior criminal record? yes. i i was into drugs and stuff when i was younger. committed felonies, in fact. then he said he just grew up and now wanted to help in any way he could, even if it meant informing on his beloved cousin, peter. i think pete is a little e y envious of robert. i think he felt his dad treated robert better than pete got treated when he worked there. he said something about his dad taking him out of the will. reporter: one thing, though paul, like his second cousin dave, didn t think that pete was capable of making that bomb. somebody must have helped him. i don t think pete has the