people who are outside who are unable to get this. thank you. it is great how long you ve supported gay marriage. yes, i could have supported it sooner. well, you did it pretty soon. yeah, could have been sooner. fair point. okay. hillary clinton on saturday night live and did you see boston feeling the burn? he said there was 20,000 people with more outside and there was that and then on saturday and sunday, can t remember, the times writing a story about how much money he s raising and in it for the long haul. they started to look at barack obama at a certain moment in 2008 and say wait a second. barack obama got 10,000. and bernie is getting twice as much. he s great on a stage. it s hard to see there in that camera. i saw the speaker in new york, it was powerful. i can see the e peel. look at this crowd. political writer for the new york times. washington g.o.p. and in manchester, bloomberg politics as well. who takes a honeymoon for three months?