Seven Knights Idle Adventure is celebrating its 100-day anniversary with the appropriately named 100th Day Anniversary Coupon Event. During the event, which runs until December 27th, enter the code 100SEKI in the coupon menu to gain access to a plethora of r.
Netmarble has announced a new update to Seven Knights 2, letting players get their hands on a new Legendary+ hero along with a new Mythic Pet. You can also expect new content on the Pet Upgrade System among other in-game goodies. In the latest update to Seven .
LOS ANGELES – May 24, 2023 – Netmarble, a leading developer and publisher of high-quality mobile games, announces a new update for the mobile RPG Seven.
LOS ANGELES – May 10, 2023 – Netmarble, a leading developer and publisher of high-quality mobile games, announces a new game update for the mobile role-playing.