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More Americans welcomed furry additions to their families this year, and many of those new pet parents are planning to give them a very merry first Christmas.
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good boy. More Americans welcomed furry additions to their families. This year she s a 10 month old Ozzie Doodle, and we got her at the beginning of Pandemic. Many of those new pet parents are planning to give them a very merry first Christmas. Santa is going to bring her, Ah, lot of fun treats. According to Deloitte s annual Holiday Shopping survey, about half of respondents say they plan to buy a pet gift. We found that the average spend for the category was gonna be about $90 in total. But this dog dad spent even more. I got my dog, a $300 off white collar, all for his instagram famous pup, Lily. She s a diva, and she knows she s a D V at Pet Project Ella shoppers have been buying up high end accessories. Here s our elf cost