fortaleció el oleaje, y la marea cubrió por completo la franja de arena.
“Debido a la cercanía del fenómeno el oleaje se ha intensificado, alcanzando alturas entre los 3 y 5 metros”.
Elementos de Protección Civil y Guardavidas se desplegaron a lo largo de las costas, para
vigilar las zonas identificadas de alto riesgo por el impacto del oleaje.
“Estamos ya en los puntos identificados, esto para en cuestiones de que se nos venga la precipitación bueno ya tener asegurada las áreas, para evitar que personas pueden ingresar a ellas”, José Antonio Ríos Tinoco, Oficial Operativo de la Unidad Estatal de Protección Civil.
Después de que activistas de la región participaran en una intensa jornada de limpieza en Bahía Catalina, por la presencia de basura y otro tipo de contaminantes del sitio
Over the past year, scores of gargantuan Chinese sand dredgers have deployed themselves in territorial waters off the Taiwanese-administered Matsu Islands, where their activities erode beaches and ruin fishing shoals. These Chinese ships are mercenary; a small 5,000 ton ship could sell a load of sand for the equivalent of US$55,000 to Fujian construction firms or to the People’s Liberation Army for use in building its artificial reefs in the South China Sea. They also frustrate Taiwan’s government, which tries unsuccessfully to cooperate with Beijing on environmental stewardship of their contiguous waters. Each day, Taiwanese Coast Guard vessels can
From Prudhoe Bay at the northern tip of Alaska to Ushuaia, a city situated on the southerly end of the earth at Tierra del Fuego, is approximately 23,400km. Riding back to Alaska it’s twice this, a total of 46,800km. Having just completed one transit of the Americas with clients on his Yam Super Ten, extreme endurance rider Nick Sanders is going for another – the first double transit ever attempted. This is what happened…
I’m in Alaska. The sky is blue and it’s sunny but cold. Leaving Prudhoe Bay at 6am, the receptionist and the chef sign my witness book and I ride down the graded road to where a handwritten sign says ‘Dalton Highway’, so indicating my direction south for nearly 24,000km. The Guinness Record for this one-way journey is 35 days; I intend to cover it in 21.