Lima. Die vergangenen beiden Samstage werden sich in die peruanische Erinnerung einbrennen. In vielen Teilen des Landes protestierte die Bevölkerung mit einem gemeinsamen Ziel: Sie forderte die Anerkennung des Wahlsiegs von Pedro Castillo bei der Präsidentschaftswahl. Allein in Lima nahmen an den zwei nationalen Märschen gegen den Staatsstreich zahlreiche Bürgervereinigungen, Vertreter:innen von Bauernverbänden, regionale Organisationen,
Ronderos (Mitglieder bäuerlicher Selbstorganisationen, Anm. d. Red.) und Jugendgruppen teil und versammelten sich jeweils am Nachmittag auf den Straßen. Begleitet von Tänzen, traditioneller Kleidung, Sprechchören und Gesängen endeten die Proteste mit einer riesigen Kundgebung auf der Plaza San Martín im historischen Zentrum Limas.
Photo: El Peruano
13:25 | Lima, May. 5.
This distinction was achieved thanks to the orderly collection of copies of the newspaper, which was founded in 1825.
The Certificate of Incorporation of the Documentary Corpus of the Official Gazette El Peruano comprises the Period: 1826 - First half of 1868.
According to María del Pilar Agapito, a member of the Peruvian institution Memory of the World, El Peruano is the first newspaper to receive this distinction.
She pointed out that this recognition will serve to protect the heritage of the journalistic medium and draw attention to its relevance.
Newspaper editor-in-chief Felix Paz recalled that the process to obtain this qualification had begun in 2019 at the initiative of Nancy Rojas, head of the Documentation Center at Editora Peru, which owns El Peruano and Andina news agency.
Photo: El Peruano
13:25 | Lima, May. 5.
This distinction was achieved thanks to the orderly collection of copies of the newspaper, which was founded in 1825.
The Certificate of Incorporation of the Documentary Corpus of the Official Gazette El Peruano comprises the Period: 1826 - First half of 1868.
According to María del Pilar Agapito, a member of the Peruvian institution Memory of the World, El Peruano is the first newspaper to receive this distinction.
She pointed out that this recognition will serve to protect the heritage of the journalistic medium and draw attention to its relevance.
Newspaper editor-in-chief Felix Paz recalled that the process to obtain this qualification had begun in 2019 at the initiative of Nancy Rojas, head of the Documentation Center at Editora Peru, which owns El Peruano and Andina news agency.
Photo: ANDINA/Archive.
14:00 | Lima, Dec. 22.
Thus, the oldest existing newspaper in the country has become the first printed media outlet in Peru to include its newspaper collection in such register.
On May 13, 1826, South American liberator Simon Bolivar used El Peruano to editorialize about respect for press freedom. Four months later, his farewell speech appeared on the same pages.
In 1839, the full text of the Political Constitution was published in this paper; two years later, an extraordinary edition came out, which gave an account of the Ingavi Battle, where Agustin Gamarra died.
Other editions tinged with goodbyes are those of November 9, 1841, in which the official gazette gave an account of the death of General Jose de San Martin, and that of May 4, 1866, which announced the death of Colonel Jose Galvez during the Dos de Mayo Combat.