The Government of Assam must be congratulated for having taken a very bold step of halting the increasing tendency of inter-cadre deputation of IAS officers for the next five years.
Chief Secretary should act hurriedly to save it
Recently the Assam Cabinet has come up with several interesting decisions
Udayan Hazarika
(The writer can be reached at
Recently the Assam Cabinet has come up with several interesting decisions which include the decision on serving of pith- pona – traditional Assamese eating in the government meetings and that of presenting only hand-woven gamosas in such meetings, etc. This was disclosed after the meeting by a Cabinet representative and also circulated widely as Cabinet decisions. Doubts prevail and people also wonder whether all these could make subject matters of Cabinet discussions needing a Cabinet nod! Nowadays the Cabinet meetings are held regularly on weekly basis and the departments are invited to place their matters before the Cabinet. Most of the Departments are left with no important issues to place before the Cabinet. But there is also the fear that t