A Memorial Day observance Church at the Center in Salem (Submitted photo)
PERRY TWP. Police Chief Mike Emigh said Monday he’s considering filing criminal charges against a homeowner on South Lincoln Avenue who’s waging a noise war against the Church at the Center.
The noise issue came up during the Perry Township Board of Trustees meeting, with Trustee Vice Chairman Jim Armeni complaining about the neighbor playing loud music while the church is holding services on Sunday mornings.
At first, Armeni said the neighbor was shooting his gun, then he started running his boat motor and now he plays music and cranks it up all while the church is holding it’s outdoor drive-up service at 1785 S. Lincoln Ave.
Staff Writer
SALEM Jim Armeni said Friday he’s staying on as Perry Township trustee while also serving as Columbiana County recorder after confirming that holding both offices creates no conflict.
His term as trustee will expire at the end of this year.
“I’d like to finish it out,” he said.
Armeni was elected to a four-year term as county recorder in November and took office effective Jan. 1, just finishing his first week on the job. He thought the two jobs were compatible, but asked the county prosecutor’s office to check into it for him.
Armeni said his fellow trustees, Steve Bailey and Don Rudibaugh, were ok with him staying on as long as he made sure he could do that.