By Kathleen Phalen Tomaselli, Houlton Pioneer Times Staff
The Maine Land Use Planning Commission denied a Canadian mining company’s rezoning application for a proposed mine on Pickett Mountain in northern Penobscot County.
In a 5-to-2 vote on Feb.
Brian Lippold of Casco Bay Advisors, LLC confirmed with the Wilton select board on Tuesday, Feb. 6, that Consolidated Communication had picked up the MCA grant.
The Wilton Select Board chose not to move forward with processing an application for the HoneyComb Farm on Tuesday, Jan. 23, citing the moratorium on cannabis applications as the reason.
WILTON - On Tuesday evening, the selectboard continued the ongoing discussion about the cannabis moratorium and local business Honeycomb Farm’s request for a permit. This was previously explored at the selectboard meeting on Dec. 19. Town Manager Maria Greeley reported that she had reached out to the town’s attorney, as well as the law firm