Sunita Kejriwal, wife of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, has been granted permission by the Tihar jail administration to meet him. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) claims that jail authorities refused her request to meet Kejriwal, a claim denied by prison authorities. Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann is scheduled to meet Kejriwal on Tuesday.
The Tihar Jail authorities revoked the permission granted to Sunita Kejriwal to meet with her husband and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in the prison, according to Aam Aadmi Party sources. Sunita Kejriwal was scheduled to visit CM Kejriwal in Delhi s Tihar Jail on Monday.
Lesbian couple, Jayashree Rahul and Rakhi Das, overcame obstacles to tie the knot in a traditional ceremony at Bhagada Bhavani temple in Deoria, Uttar Pradesh.
The district administration has denied permission to Maharashtra Ekikaran Samiti (MES) to organise Marathi Mahamelava (Marathi convention) in Belagavi on the first day of legislature session. Find out more about the denial and the reasons behind it.