When one retailer closes, others take its place. Moreover, mall remakes as warehouses have tightened up Northeast Ohio shopping center vacancy, though random empties abound.
Ohio Savings corporate parent New York Community Bancorp has listed the 18-story twin towers of downtown Cleveland, Ohio Savings Plaza and Park Plaza, for sale with Colliers International.
When: Starts June 2. Wednesdays. Continues through Sept. 1 Time is growing short to make a stop at Walnut Wednesday, one of summer s great traditions. But today from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Perk Plaza at Chester Commons at East 12th and Walnut streets food trucks once again gather to serve up lunch to area residents and employees. Follow the Downtown Cleveland Alliance on Facebook for weekly updates on vendors, entertainment offerings and more. But remember, the series concludes on Sept. 1. As always, admission is free, but the food will cost you. Trending