A study in Psychiatry Research reveals that maternal cannabis use disorder significantly increases the risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in offspring. The risk is 3.5 times higher for children exposed to cannabis during the prenatal period.
Growing body of research recognizes the importance of green spaces on the perinatal outcomes however, further evidence from different geographies are warranted. We aimed to investigate association between, and differential responses to, maternal exposure to green space and birthweight. Birth records (n = 82,221) were extracted from the Perinatal Data Collection (PDC) in Sydney s metropolitan area between January 2016 and December 2017. Association between green space quantity and birthweight, term birthweight, low birthweight, term low birthweight and preterm were assessed using linear and logistic regressions. Potential modification by area-level socioeconomic status and maternal country of birth were tested using interaction terms. Difference in birth weight for the ≥40% versus