Program to him. And to honor his memory. I think his spirit will be with us for a long time. And i just wanted to mention him gratefully here as hes been part of our Virtual Events upo this point. Todays event as i said at the beginning is meant to celeate this a wonderful new book within amazing cover which is why it showed it. Theres so much going on in the cover we couldve just spent today talk about the cover. Like what are all the little post its. But we won. The author of t book that is with us today is shamus hues. He wrote this book with alexander and clifford. Shamus isne of the leader counterterrorism exper in the country. Hes been produci report after report for years both for congress and others. Before joining the program for extremism on george whington university which of the ncp National Counterterrorism center before that he was a senior counterterrorism advisor and Home Security Government Affairs committee. There is an awful lot shamus should be talking about today a
Document for the 1st story we listen to after world war saying youll be in to go build you know the stage of you to. Be with you we meet with global news makers and toolkit about the stories that matter on the edges their own. Josh rushing filling in for me ok and you are in the stream today do no harm is the main tenet of the hippocratic oath but what happens when doctors have to navigate a system that can prevent them from putting patients 1st today will explore what some are calling a Public Health emergency in the us doctors who are so burned out that they are quitting or worse killing themselves in shocking numbers why is the system letting doctors and patients down are you a medical professional we want to hear from you join the conversation in our live you tube chat to doctors have already said a sort thoughts here take a look. Doctors have the highest suicide rate of any profession i run a dr suicide hotline and ive investigated more than 1300. 00 doctor suicides root cause ana
Josh rushing filling in for femi ok and you are in the street today do no harm is the main tenet of the hippocratic oath but what happens when doctors had to navigate a system that can prevent them from putting patients 1st today well explore what some are calling a Public Health emergency in the u. S. Doctors who are so burned out that they are quitting or worse killing themselves in shocking numbers why is the system letting doctors and patients down are you a medical professional we want to hear from you join the conversation in our live you to chat to doctors have already set a sort dots here take a look. Doctors have the highest suicide rate of any profession i run a dr suicide hotline and ive investigated more than 1300. 00 doctor suicides root cause analysis reveals Human Rights Violations as the culprit doctors who dont succumb to suicide are victims to coping with abuse is not a solution ending abuse is injured morals offers no solution burnout is just a smokescreen Human Righ
With updates about travel restrictions and how to protect yourself. Special coverage on how to save. I am josh rushing filling in for femi ok and you are in the story today do no harm is the main tenet of the hippocratic oath but what happens when doctors had to navigate a system that can prevent them from putting patients 1st today well explore what some are calling a Public Health emergency in the u. S. Doctors who are so burned out that their quitting or worse killing themselves in shocking numbers why is the system letting doctors and patients down are you a medical professional we want to hear from you join the conversation in our live you to chat to doctors have already said assert thoughts here take a look. Doctors have the highest suicide rate of any profession i run a doctor suicide hotline and ive investigated more than 1300. 00 doctor suicides root cause analysis reveals Human Rights Violations as the culprit doctors who dont succumb to suicide are victims to coping with abu
Im josh rushing filling in for me ok and you are in the story today do no harm is the main tenet of the hippocratic oath but what happens when doctors have to navigate a system that can prevent them from putting patients 1st today well explore what some are calling a Public Health emergency in the u. S. Doctors who are so burned out that they are quitting or worse killing themselves in shocking numbers why is the system letting doctors and patients down are you a medical professional we want to hear from you join the conversation in our live you tube chat to doctors have already sort of sort thoughts here take a look. Doctors have the highest suicide rate of any profession i run a doctor suicide hotline and ive investigated more than 1300. 00 doctor suicides root cause analysis reveals Human Rights Violations as the culprit doctors who dont succumb to suicide are victims to coping with abuse is not a solution ending abuse is injured morals offers no solution burnout is just a smokescre