eve. great to be with you bryan. i m bryan llenas, and there s hartsfield-jackson international airport, but we ll start with alexis with the brutal temperatures. hi, bryan, as you noticed in new york city, it s frigid outside, the people are still out and about for the holiday season. across the country though we re talking high winds and heavy snow and lots of flooding here in the northeast. take a look here on your screen. this is what we ve seen across the area here and even in parts of new york city. that s the coastal flooding that we ve been warning about leaving parts of long island with more than seven feet of standing water and people had to wade through the flood waters as rescue crews received urgent calls for help. the high water also impacting parts of new york city and the jersey shore. the midwest slammed by a winter mix which led to dangerous road conditions. check it out. out in ohio, a 50-car pileup, bryan, left at least three people dead and several ot
picture with all of the perform storm, these terrible conditions. what concerns you the most as governor for the people of your state? well, i m proud of the people of montana. when it s cold like this, the cows still need to be fed and our ranchers are out there in these subzero temperatures, spreading hay so we can produce some of the best beef in the world. the plow driver is still out on the roads. it s important. life goes on even when it s cold and it s important to come to a warm house and i m just proud that montanans help their neighbors and that s what we saw going on during this recent period. that s amazing. i want to ask you quickly for your advice to other governors dealing with horrific conditions. seven other states have declared states of emergency on friday, and we have georgia, kentucky, maryland, north carolina, new york, oklahoma and west virginia. quickly, governor, what s your advice to the governors of those states? well, i have relationships with most of
the perform storm for a terrible holiday season. your thoughts. hospitals are on the brink of being overrun. we re not clear if it s peaked or if this is just a flu season that has moved up in time. we re not seeing a lot of covid in there. we re not see manage hospitalizations for covid. but flu has a similar infection mortality rate. about 4,000 people have died just of flu. so the flu vaccine is a good idea. the uptake is below average. i ve taken the flu shot and i recommend it. so it booster fatigue? you look at the numbers and you think the flu shots are way down. isn t booster fatigue or people saying we don t really have as much faith in the cdc as we had a couple years ago. the worst thing you can do in public health is to cry wolf
should hook the debt limit. asked if republicans would block an extension of the debt limit, leader mcconnell amazingly said that republicans are united in opposition to raising the debt ceiling. shame. pelosi and schumer say a reckless republican force default could plunge the country into a recession. it takes 60 votes to overcome a senate filibuster. that s why gop votes are necessary. janel yellen says the u.s. would face a historic crisis if there s a confrontation over the debt ceiling. sandra: thanks, chad. so are we looking at the perform storm for stalks in gary
they don t want to deal. okay they don t. hannity: go ahead, dan. yeah, they absolutely don t want to deal. what francisco is not telling you is barack obama had an operational filibuster proof majority for months in the early days of his campaign. the democrats could have done it with no republican help at all, francisco. you know what they did, zip-o i got it. i agree with you no, i m not done. they did nothing. listen, there are a number of republicans, by the way, me included, who don t believe in amnesty. i don t believe in breaking the law and rewarding it. but there are a number of republicans francisco, hold on, who absolutely support a daca deal. i m not one of them. mr. hannity, you and i have gone 17 years, mr. hannity, you and i have gone 17 years. this is the perform storm. we either cut a deal or we don t. hannity: look, i m with dan. i wouldn t support it. build a wall. who cares. give it all he wants hannity: this is the