Investegate announcements from Fluence, Fluence and Nine Additional Energy Market Organisations Issue Open Letter to European Policy Makers and the Media regarding the REPowerEU Plan
Equities analysts expect that Fluence Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:FLNC – Get Rating) will report sales of $247.16 million for the current fiscal quarter, Zacks Investment Research reports. Eleven analysts have provided estimates for Fluence Energy’s earnings, with the lowest sales estimate coming in at $202.97 million and the highest estimate coming in at $276.90 million. The […]
Fluence Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:FLNC – Get Rating) has been assigned a consensus rating of “Buy” from the twenty brokerages that are currently covering the company, Marketbeat reports. One investment analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, five have issued a hold rating and thirteen have given a buy rating to the company. The […]