Signed into California State law in July of 2019, California Civil Code Section 3361, also known as Senate Bill 41 (or SB 41), states: “Estimations, measures, or.
and 9 percentile points in math among 3rd graders. clearly there s been a real decline because of covid when you compare 2021 to 2019 which was obviously a much more normal school year. i assume there s an income element behind the numbers. absolutely an income element. if you look at the low poverty areas versus high poverty areas, median student, math third grade, in the low poverty areas it s down but just 6 percentile points, and the high, 17 percentile when you compare the 2021 to 2019. obviously 2019 was before covid, and here s the reason why it s down so much in lower income areas or at least one of the reasons why. if you ask basically the parents of those students who had to stay home because the schools were closed, did your children have trouble completing your school work because of tech problems, in the lower income areas, look at that, income adults said that their children had problems, tech problems
basically june to november, look at that, among those aged 12 to 17, the unvaccinated covid hospitalization rate is 12 times higher than the unvaccinated than the vaccinated and adults 13 times higher. get those vaccines. it s a big way to keep the schools open and children safe. the down sides of kids not learning in a normal school setting are pretty clear. they re very clear. there was a study that came out, one particular study looked at third to 8th graders, they said we re going to take a look at their achievement assessment, and look at this, in math down 10 percent tile points, in reading, down 5 percentile points, and it s the hardest hit among minorities and the youngest minorities. look at 3rd graders on math. among hispanics, down 17 percentiles, among blacks, down 15 percentile points, among whites and asians, they re not down nearly as much, but still 9
one particular study looked at third to 8th graders, they said we re going to take a look at their achievement assessment, and look at this, in math down 10 percent tile points, in reading, down 5 percentile points, and it s the hardest hit among minorities and the youngest minorities. look at 3rd graders on math. among hispanics, down 17 percentiles, among blacks, down 15 percentile points, among whites and asians, they re not down nearly as much, but still 9 and 9 percentile points in math among 3rd graders. clearly there s been a real decline because of covid when you compare 2021 to 2019 which was obviously a much more normal school year. i assume there s an income element behind the numbers. absolutely an income element. if you look at the low poverty areas versus high poverty areas, median student, math third grade, in the low poverty areas it s down but just 6 percentile points, and the high, 17