In Siliguri, Nor wester At 120 Kilometre Per Hour Uproots Trees In Siliguri, Nor wester At 120 Kilometre Per Hour Uproots Trees Trees were uprooted and power supply affected after a nor wester struck Siliguri and neighbouring towns of north Bengal, officials said.
Nor wester uprooted trees in Siligiri and neighbouring areas in north Bengal
A nor wester packing wind speed of 120 kilometre per hour struck Siliguri and neighbouring towns of north Bengal on Thursday morning, officials said. The squall, locally called,
Kalbaisakhi, uprooted several trees and disrupted power supply in the area. Several roads were also blocked.
A cloud cover engulfed the city around 10 am and the nor wester brought moderate rainfall, weather officials added. Hill Cart Road, Sevoke Road, SF Road and Burdwan Road were closed as uprooted trees blocked the roads.