This is a non-official translation of the Swedish original wording. In case of differences between the English translation and the Swedish original, the Swedish text shall prevail. . | June 14, 2023
The annual general meeting of Beijer Ref AB today made the following resolutions.
Income statement and balance sheet as well as discharge from liability
The meeting adopted the income statement. | April 25, 2023
The Annual General Meeting of Beijer Ref AB (publ) for the financial year 2021 was held on 7 April 2022. The Board of Directors had decided that shareholders could exercise their voting rights at the Annual General Meeting also by postal vote, in accordance..
The Annual General Meeting of Beijer Ref AB for the financial year 2021 was held on 7 April 2022. The Board of Directors had decided that shareholders could exercise their voting rights at the Annual. | April 7, 2022