May 6, 2021
The big bluefish that crashed into the inlets last week are still around and now in the bays, river and along the beaches. At the same time, the bass bite continues strong in Raritan Bay and has spread into the rivers and onto the beaches. Add to that reports of bluefin tuna and good freshwater action and it looks like a good weekend of fishing.
Northern New Jersey Fishing Report
Tackle World shared this photo of Pete Rock and the Raritan Bay striper he caught earlier this week.
Rick Hebert at
Tackle World in Rochelle Park said the trout fishing remains very good in the Pequannock River and other rivers and streams. There is another stocking taking place the week of May 10 in selected waters. He also had good reports of small and largemouth bass in the local lakes and ponds. On the striper front, he reported large bass caught north of the George Washington Bridge on chunks indicating the big fish have made it up the river to spawn.
Happy trails: 5 paths to roll or stroll in CT, Mass.
You don’t have to
only use your bike rack for your yearly weeklong vacation, you know. There are many quick-hit weekend destinations in Connecticut and neighboring states to enjoy with your bicycles during the spring, and even late winter as the temps start to warm up.
And if it’s too cold and windy for the bikes, you can bundle up and hike or just stroll. The key is to use the sunniest part of the day, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., and have a plan for a snack or lunch.