To eliminate background noise. Members and witnesses, you are going have to unmute your microphone each time you wish to speak. So i just say that as a reminder and a little housekeeping issue, but please remember to do that. Documents for the record can be sent to megan bolin at the email address we provided to your staff. All documents will be entered into the record at the conclusion of the hearing. The chair now recognizes herself for five minutes for an Opening Statement. Lets see, where is the clock on the screen . There it is. Okay. In any given year, one in five adults experience a Mental Illness such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder. But 2020 has been a year like no other. In a recent poll, half of adults report that their Mental Health has been negatively impacted due to the coronavirus. One can only imagine the middle of impacts on the American Families who are grieving the loss of their loved ones to this virus. The economic downturn is also taking a mental toll
About an hour and 45 minutes. I want to thank everyone for joining us for the official remote hearing. I want to make sure to note specific requirements. Let me begin by saying Committee Rules and practice continue to apply during the hearings. Members are reminded they are expected to adhere to decorum. With that said, the period designated by the speaker, 965, from the rules committee in a manner that respects the rights of all members to participate. House regulations require members to be visible during the proceedings so keep your camera on. Also if you participate in other proceedings please exit this one and log back in later. Of the member encounters technical issues that prevent them from being recognized for their questioning i will go to the next available measure member of the same party and recognize that member of the next appropriate time slot provided they have returned to the proceedings. Should the members time be interrupted by technical issues i will recognize the n
Of a looming election joining me Steve Clemons in conversation with leading voices on the bottom line your weekly take on u. S. Politics and society on aljazeera. Say theyre welcome to the stream home edition im josh rushing sitting in for femi ok now look if youre watching this on you tube live stream i need your help to that chat box over there thats a live chat box theres actually a stream producer in there right now waiting to get your comments and questions to me so i can get into our experts that are in the show today and it could not be a more important show were talking about Family Planning tearing coated in 1000 im going to take you right to my computers to show you a table here now its not a its not a pretty picture but it is an important picture i want you to look right down here at this number 6 months of lockdown will what happens if were in 6 months and lockdown is this is the estimated number of women not able to use modern contraceptives 47000000 women and now this is
A looming election joining me Steve Clemons in conversation with leading voices on the bottom line your weekly take on u. S. Politics and society on aljazeera. Say theyre welcome to the stream home edition hi im josh rushing sitting in for femi ok now look at youre watching this on the you tube live stream i need your help to that chat box over there thats a live chat box theres actually a stream producer in there right now waiting to get your comments and questions to me so i can get into our experts that are in the show today and it could not be a more important show were talking about Family Planning tearing coated in 1000 im going to queue right to my computers to show you a table here now its not a its not a pretty picture but it is an important picture i want you to look right down here at this number 6 months of lockdown will what happens if were in 6 months and lockdown is this is the estimated number of women not able to use modern contraceptives 47000000 women and now this is
Hague will deliver its verdict on august 7th find out what this means for lebanon and for those indicted follow over developments on a. Feather welcome to the stream home edition hi im josh rushing sitting in for femi ok now look if youre watching this on the you tube live stream i need your help to that chat box over there thats a live chat box theres actually a stream producer in there right now waiting to get your comments and questions to me so i can get them to our experts that are in the show today and it could not be a more important show were talking about Family Planning during cope in 1000 im going to queue right to my computers to show you a table here now its not a its not a pretty picture but it is an important picture i want you to look right down here at this number 6 months of lockdown will what happens if were in 6 months and block down is this is the estimated number of women not able to use modern contraceptives 47000000. 00 women and now this is from about 114. 00 l