the president talks about extreme vetting there is a two year process to become a refugee in this country. this is not like the pictures that would have shown during the election of people poring pg across the border. yeah, you did that too. steve: let your brother finish. your side has no credibility. we have seen you let people pour across borders. that s a lifetime achievement. steve: brad, shhh. put america first and determine whether these people have good reason to come here and whether a it is in the interest of the american citizen to come here. all right and we are going to end it and they turned off the microphones. cut the brothers woodhouse. and you know what? we had both sides out there. what do you think? email us at about the temporary ban. coming up the mainstream media better be coming up. president trump could be making more news today and it doesn t have to do with immigration. it could be about the supreme