Test. Test. Test. Test captions. Test captions. Test captions. Test. Test. Test captions. Test captions. Test. Test. Test. Test captions. Test captions. President yee welcome to the november 17, 2020, meeting of the San Francisco board of supervisors. Madam clerk, will you please call the roll. [roll call] clerk mr. President , you have a quorum. President yee okay. Thank you. Please place your right hand over your heart. Would you please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] okay. Thank you. On behalf of the meeting, i would like to acknowledge the staff at sfgtv who record our meetings and make the transcripts available to the public on time. Madam clerk, are there any communications . Clerk yes, mr. President. During this health crisis, the board of supervisors is meeting remotely and will proceed as though they were meeting in their public chamber. The board of supervisors realizes that public input is essential and more important during the time of c
Demanding Prime Minister resign over a controversial piece agreement with azerbaijan. The russian brokered deal between troops and many unfolds as follows. 6 weeks of fighting of the disputed enclave of paris has been marking the 5th anniversary of its deadliest terror attacks in 2015130. People were killed when socalled Islamic State militants. Multiple attacks in the french capital, suicide bombers and gunmen carried out a 4 al, a killing spree, which also injured hundreds. This is the news from then you can follow us on twitter. And instagram. News is the handle or visit our website to be found at www. Dot com france is marking 5 years since paris was hit by a series of coordinated attacks by is the missed suicide bombers. Sadly, such attacks have continued even as recently as the start of this month in vienna. Tonight we meet a man who has literally studied how these people think. Im phil gale in berlin and this is the day working in the studio was sharing a wall with the public on
Information and hope says the professor at the roosevelt family estate. They would listen to the president explain what the government was trying to do. Reporter they were few in number but symbolic of a connection between the patrician, roosevelt and those suffering with poverty. Something the president understood because he suffered. I would say that the symbol of his presidency, of his life is warm springs, georgia. Reporter roosevelt was stricken with polio and never walked again. He built a facility in warm springs, georgia for other polio sufferers and took charge of the operation. It helped him to relate to all kinds of people that is leaving a life of kindness and of respect and responsibility for the people that we know as well as for the people that we dont know. That is the modern basis of democracy. Roosevelt unleashed a flock of programs. They went to work building the infrastructure of the country in ways that are almost unimaginable now. They built 39,000 schools. They b
San Francisco City college. I never knew that i would one day grow up and oversee the Free City College program at the department of children, youth, and their families, increasing access to Educational Opportunities for our Community Every day. In this role, i also monitoring the entire budget for the program. My passion for education started at a young age. I grew up in a lowincome household and have experienced firsthand the transformative nature of education both as a student and teacher. But over time, i realized how Education Systems failed our most vulnerable students. As a former legislative aide, i worked on legislation to ban the box on private college applications, making San Francisco the first city in the nation to do so. During this time of a Global Pandemic and a social movement to dismantle systemic racism, city College Needs a new voice and a proven leader in education. My lifes mission has been to ensure institutions are accountable to the people they are built to ser
2020 meeting of the Police Commission. I think its probably fair to say that we all have our minds a little bit elsewhere tonight given everything thats going on in the world, and this being probably the consequential election of our lifetime. Were glad to be here with you all and we will all take the pledge of allegiance tonight with maybe a little more awareness of whats going on in the world. I will ask everyone to place their hands over their heart so we can say the pledge. [pledge of allegiance]. Thank you, and as always, if i could ask for the commissioners to mute their microphones. If you would like to be heard, just put your name in the chat box. Members of the public who are dialing in, i would ask you to please mute any background noise so that we can hear you and there is no feedback. The dial in number is [indiscernible] 0001, access code 146424 [indiscernible]. You will have two minutes for Public Comment. Please call the roll. [roll call]. You have quorum. [indiscernibl