fact-based, authentic fact-based. they re not distinct, being authentic and talking about facts in a thoughtful way, to calm people when they could be panicking, is not what we got. and the worst thing for an economic leader is to be somebody who flies off the handle and reacts at a time when they should be calming fears. i think democrats can have a message that this isn t a stable person running the economy when they panic and attack their people at moments like this. we had a significant crisis in 2011 related to the debt ceiliceil i ceiling and we did not at that time have a president threatening to not pay the bills. we did not have people making lunatic states. what we had were federal officials trying to calm things down. they were not pointing at each other and saying you re loco, no, you re crazy. i agree that probably when you have market volatility, the right way to go is not let s amp it up. josh, the answer s somewhere