bumps. the manhattan soccer club sent parents an e-mail warning them the safest thing to do instead is to touch elbows. elbow-five bump. i agree with that. i like that idea, elbow bump. gretchen: in big groups over the weekend they were telling people don t shake hands. steve: it will be interesting to see if the catholic church suspends signs of peace during the cold or flu season. check out this video from glendale, arizona. a family making the most of the chilly weather, turning their frozen pool into a hockey rink. it wasn t thick enough to stand on but they were able to pass the puck. maria molina joins us now. maria, it is not frozen everywhere like it is there in arizona, but it is chilly in the middle. maria: very cold out west. we have temperatures still below freezing across places in arizona. you re going to continue to enjoy that hockey. but as we head into the next couple of days, you re