you know, i don t want to get into personalities, but it s very clear that what boehner has done ul up until this point is say that it is more important that he works with extreme right wing people and satisfy their needs rather than become the speaker of the united states house of representatives and do what s right for the american people. and i think that that is very, very unfortunate. and, thomas, let me tell you something else, which people don t perceive. we have spent the last two weeks fixated on whether or not the united states government remains shut down or whether it opens and whether we pay our bills. meanwhile, there are enormous issues facing this country. the middle class is disappearing, poverty is at an all-time high, we re not even beginning, beginning to address the international crisis of global warming, our crumbling infrastructure, extremely high unemployment. so while we re talking about whether or not we pay our bills, this country continues to face enormo