he s looking at going back to prison for this. that puts a person like winklebreck on the run. the incident that i ended up investigating, ashley and jessica go to the snoop dogg concert downtown in portland. happening scene, everything s going on. and they make their way back to their car. this man walks up to them, introduces himself as paul and says that he is working with the portland police, that he is a spotter for the portland police on a dui mission. he says that their whole mission is to make it so that people don t drive drunk. he says how about i just, i ll drive you home. there s plenty of us out tonight. i ll get one of my buddies to pick me up. she said she didn t live far. so they talk about it like, yeah, okay. and he gets in the car. and they leave. and the girls think this is wonderful. they re just so excited that
i m a parking lot security guard, an off-duty cop, and you re tipsy, you re going to get a dui, it s become a standard with these kidnapping predators. they re on the highway. ashley starts trying to bargain with him. i ll give you money, i have $50. they start telling him about their family and that they need to be at work the next day. he said, don t worry about it, you re not going to be at work. as he s holding the knife to ashley in the car, jessica started going in the back, i have to pee, i have to pee. he pulls out into a dark area and tells them, all right, go out and go pee. and he watches them like a hawk. jessica starts yelling, look away, look away, i can t do this when you re looking at me, look
prison for this. that puts a person like winklebreck on the run. the incident that i ended up investigating, ashley and jessica go to the snoop dogg concert downtown in portland. happening scene, everything s going on. and they make their way back to their car. this man walks up to them, introduces himself as paul and says that he is working with the portland police, that he is a spotter for the portland police on a dui mission. he says that their whole mission is to make it so that people don t drive drunk. he says how about i just, i ll drive you home. there s plenty of us out tonight. i ll get one of my buddies to pick me up. she said she didn t live far. so they talk about it like, yeah, okay.
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