clinical psychologist javier amador is the author of i am not sick i don t need help. thanks for joining us. i do want to talk about what some of the warning signs might be. there is a lot of mystery surrounding james holmes still. you know, the university of colorado said very little. all we know is he left his neuro science program in june. he did badly on an oral exam but was not forced out of school. the school has told the students and faculty not to talk with reporters, which is understandable. but a lot of people have asked, could this have been predicted in any way? can this sort of thing have happened essentially in a very short time or even overnight? what do you think about that? very unlikely overnight. if this was a drug induced for example psychotic episode where somebody gets violent after using pcp, cocaine, sure. we see that, but that is obviously not the case here. just from even a great distance where you and i sit that is clearly not the case. there is
world. let s go outfront. well, good evening, everyone. i m erin burnett and outfront tonight, and welcome back, congress. we missed you. we really did. after four weeks away from washington, the house is returning to work today, hopefully rested and ready to make up for an abysmal 2011. the track record. full of failures. they didn t raise the debt ceiling which caused america s credit rating to be cut which hurts all of us. and they didn t agree on a budget. causing several near shutdowns. committee deal. and no tax cuts. so it is no surprise that the newest cnn poll shows only 11% of americans approve the way congress is handling it job. that s an all-tie low. more people approved of how bp handled the gulf coast oil spill. in the month that congress has been off, some members have taken tax funded trips abroad. john boehner went to mexico and canada. majority leader eric cantor led a delegation to the middle east and france. both delegations of both parties went to we