I have those kind of open relationships with one another and I think we can have them if they pull learn to use wisdom in what they say and to not only speak the truth but also do it covered with mercy and a spirit of love I believe I m a Turk Christian should be able to handle correction if it s done in love with the right motives get someone who s insecure will not be able to handle any kind of correction the take as an insult yet a lot of times when people are in secure they find it very easy to find fault with someone else and tell them what s wrong with them because actually in finding fault with someone else makes them feel better about themselves so remember it s a 2 way street give it and receive it now be sure to start following Joyce on Facebook just head to facebook dot com slash Joyce Meyer Ministries this is a site designed for you to connect with all things Joyce Meyer so do it today. Hi this is share this is Smokey Robinson Hi everyone those are the one putting on our s
I. Don t leave. On Tuesday morning for the right for a show opening up the shop Monday morning Nathan good morning is Jonathan count with you for a Friday morning 5th of May talk about the outcome of the local elections later on this morning s program but start with this morning news yesterday that Prince Philip is not going to accept any more official engagements effectively he s retiring you might be able to tell me about. Your intentions for your retirement this morning how did you. Know when it s time to retire. Before. You can text troublefree. Loving. The. B.b.c. News at 9 o clock Nathan turvy the conservatives have been making big gains around the country in the local elections with Labor losing ground and Ukip failing to pick up a seat so far the Tories have taken control of 5 councils all previously and no overall control to resume his party is also a marital action in the West of England the shadow chancellor John McDonald concedes Labor has had a tough night. Overall played
Well we do need to tell each other the truth if you asked me to I like your new hairdo I mean if I really don t that I need to have the liberty to tell you the truth and I guess I m a person really doesn t want to know the truth and they should last question but there s a way to do it and a way not to do it and I think sometimes you know we re we re being truthful but we re not being merciful and so a good mix is truth and mercy I can speak the truth but I can do it in love with an attitude of mercy I can say well you know what maybe just get used to the news care but the key is if you like it that s great so let s just be truthful but do it in love. Every day moments is just one resource available to you on our website Joyce Meyer dot org to find out what else is waiting for you stop by today again that s Floyd s Meyer doggle. You re listening to calle d.c. Denver h.d. Praise the Lord this is Dr Gail Bailey As for deliverance tabernacle welcoming you to the broadcast deep calls to d
name, in his blood. also known, though, by people in the vatican, he s a known quantity, he s seen as one of the guys for them. it seems to be a lot of different boxes to check, making him attract in, fair? that s imminently fair assessment and he s near the top of handicapping sheets. the problem in the last week and a half he s been styled in the italian papers not merely as somebody who knows the old guard in the vet can but somebody who is a creature of the old guard in the vatican. he s a protege of john batista ray. in an electorate that has anti-establishment mood, that perception, might some people believe, might end up hurting cardinal scherrer in the early rounds of balloting. it s so important, some have said why have we lost many brazilian pentecostalism with him there and the same thing
but i think, you know, i don t know that she needs the money from the state gop, but i think she needs the veneer of acceptance. and i think, you know, that s the gop is kind of coming around to this slowly but surely, karl rove even gave her a donation and an endorsement. i think it s sort of, fall in line, gop, because we have to get behind her. okay, the witchcraft stuff. glenn beck called this admission creepy, and that s a man who knows his creepy. does this actually do any damage to her, or is rove wrong again? and once again, the forgiveness factor on the right, if you say, i m a recovering witchaholic, do they say, well, there s no zealot like a convert? well, halloween is coming up. it s sweet timing. look, i think sarah palin, as you showed, had dabbled in pentecostalism. so did john ashcroft. we ve had fringe religions in terms of candidates practicing them, but going on a first date