there s a pentagon-prepublication process and it held it up. and they didn t want this drug lab detail to come out. so he sued. now the book is coming out. tell us about that process though that the defense department had to review his book first. is it possible they were trying to stop embarrassing news about trump from getting out? well, that s not the intent of the review process, although sometimes that s the effect of the review process or way it is distorted. the intent is obvious and makes sense, if you re a person exposed to an avalanche of secret information, there need to be steps taken and classified information. there needs to be steps taken and classified information that it doesn t enter the public domain. but it s not a process that is supposed to be pro atlantictive of the president s political reputation or save the president from embarrassment. embarrassing moments are not classified because they re embarrassing. i think oftentimes when you have a prepublication rev