This week’s people moves include those at Capital Cranfield, The Pensions Regulator, Natwest Group Pension Fund, Independent Trustee Services and PensionBee.
David Fairs, an executive at The Pension Regulator, has resigned from his role to seek pastures new. Fairs was appointed to the role of executive director of regulatory policy, analysis, and advice in 2018.
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) executive director of regulatory policy, analysis and advice David Fairs is set to leave the regulator to pursue new challenges.
Welcome to our monthly update on current legal issues for trustees of DC pension schemes, designed to help you stay up-to-date with key developments between trustee meetings, and to.
Collective defined contribution schemes (CDCs) were introduced by the Pension Schemes Act 2021, combining elements of defined benefit (DB) pensions with aspects of defined contribution (DC) schemes to offer a middle path that has been described as a ‘third way’ or ‘halfway house’.