Londonist 5 Fascinating Moments From London s Foodie History
In his book Borough Market: Edible Histories, Mark Riddaway takes us on a culinary journey through the surprising and downright bizarre stories behind Britain s most-liked ingredients. Here, he serves up five fascinating moments from London s foodie scene.
1. An Englishman eats a banana
John Gerard s depiction of bananas: not very good, is it.
In 1633, the first fresh bananas ever seen in England arrived in London on a boat from Bermuda. One of the recipients was Thomas Johnson, owner of an apothecary and physic garden near Smithfield Market. Johnson, a pioneering field botanist, had spent several years furiously revising The Herball a book published in 1597 by the Holborn-based herbalist John Gerard. This famous tome, he noted a little cattishly, showed up its author’s “want of sufficient learning”, and Gerard’s chapter on the banana certainly justified Johnson’s dig: Gerard had only ever seen a pic