Difference. Its friday, march 27th, 2020. Heres todays eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. We have tens of thousands of cases. This is a pandemic that we havent even seen since for over 100 years. Unthinkable just weeks ago, the u. S. Has more confirmed cases of the deadly coronavirus than any other country in the world. Its a tribute to the testing. Were testing tremendous numbers of people. The house expected to follow the senate in passing a 2 trillion stimulus package designed to address the coronavirus pandemic. Well have debate, and then well have a voice vote. U. S. Markets rallied yesterday. The Third Straight day of gains. The most hideous jobless claims number in history, this is the best threeday run since 1931. Nichololas maduro has been charged. R. Kelly is asking for a judge to release him from jail because of the covid19 outbreak. A new york doughnut shop is honoring dr. Anthony fauci trying to help america through the coronavirus pandemic. And all that matters. Hello,
More independent, impartial judiciary. You know, they are largely a historical vestige of their time. Tracy . I just agree largely what people have to say. Every selection method impacts judges decisions. Elections were adopted, as matt noted, to try to check the perceived abuse of the appointment process. I dont think it was merely perceived, the evidence is pretty strong on that. But in terms of the specific question of why dont voters then change the method of selection, whats interesting is the florida case since thats the case before us is they did change the med of selection the method of selection more appellate judges right . But not with trial judges, not with the judges that they think of as the judges in their lives. And i think thats pretty entering, to try to understand pretty interesting, to try to understand if voters feel that this tension between accountability and impartiality is one that they would like to resolve when the judges are closer to where they are. Whats d
Remember is that it is in fact the russianspeaking population in the east, as well as the ukrainianspeaking in the west, that voted for independence for ukraine. That voted strongly to have a separate state. And if the this issue is allowed to stand without the world responding, the question is, is that argument then made in latvia and estonia . Is that argument made in all of the former russian states . I do not think in any way this is comparable to kosovo. In kosovo nato responded to a Brutal Campaign of ethnic cleansing by former ugeslaskian forces. In crimea, russia attempted to justify its actions by fabricating the myth of widespread violence against the ethnic russian population. Even going as far as to equate it to the bloodshed occurring in syria. Clearly this is not true. We know its not true. In terms of the election itself, opponents were sigh lenlsed, international silenced, international monitors were barred, crimean charters themselves boycotted the very election. Voter
Chaplain conroy let us pray. Eternal god to whom we see what we could be and what we can become, thank you for being giving us another day. Send your spirit upon the members of this peoples house to encourage them in their official tasks. Be with them and with all who labor here to serve this great nation and its people. Assure them that whatever their responsibilities, you provide the grace to enable them to be faithful in their duties and the wisdom to be conscious of their obligations and fulfill them with integrity. Remind us all of the dignity of work and teach us to use our talents and abilities in ways that are honorable and just and are of benefit to those we serve. May all that is done this day be for your greater honor and glory, amen. The speaker pro tempore the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1 the journal stands approved. The pledge of allegiance will led by the gentle
Fullest array of assistance to the ukrainian democracy. So if this is only the first step, lets take some additional steps and stand together on a bipartisan basis instead of at times i think taking partisan shots verbally at the president of the United States. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from california is recognized. The gentleman from new york is ecognized. Mr. Engel thank you, mr. Speaker. May i inquire how much time i have . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york has 1 1 2 minutes remaining. Mr. Engel i yield one minute of that time to the gentlewoman from ohio, ms. Kaptur. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from ohio is recognized for one minute. Ms. Kaptur i want to thank the esteemed Ranking Member of new york, eliot engel, a dear friend, for yielding time in support of Ukraine Support act, h. R. 4278. And for his leadership from the time we traveled to ukraine together and to congressman royce, the chairman of