Growing up around Seattle, Ainsley Seago said she never saw a firefly until she visited Hershey as a teenager. These days, she watches in amusement as her 10-year-old son, Maxwell, enjoys catching lightning bugs and releasing them. “How can you not catch them?” said Seago, associate curator of invertebrate zoology
Things to Do in Northeast Ohio: April 22-28
Akron Beacon Journal
Massillon Museum “The Genius of Marian” online screening: Through May 2. Part of NEA Big Read. Upon registration at or 330-833-4061, viewers will be provided with a link to the film.
Youngstown State University’s Department of Art Lecture Series presents Winnie Soon: 9 a.m. Thursday. Researching in the areas of software studies and computational practices, Soon is currently based in Denmark and is an associate professor at Aarhus University. To view the lecture series, go to
Cuyahoga Falls Library presents Earth Day: Eco-friendly organizing and cleaning: 1 p.m. Thursday via Zoom. Learn about eco-friendly maintenance, organizing and cleaning, as well as donating and recycling options for de-cluttering. Registration is required. Go to