Allegheny County will see a new top elected official for the first time in 12 years, as a progressive candidate faces a Republican campaigning on centrist views who hopes moderate Democrats will cross party lines at the polls next week. County Executive Rich Fitzgerald, a Democrat, is leaving office after
Allegheny County will see a new top elected official for the first time in 12 years, as a progressive candidate faces a Republican campaigning on centrist views who hopes that moderate Democrats will cross party lines at the polls next week. County Executive Rich Fitzgerald, a Democrat, is leaving office
Sara Innamorato, the Democratic nominee for Allegheny County executive, secured several key labor endorsements this week, two months after the Republican candidate in the race locked up a few labor endorsements of his own. Innamorato was endorsed Friday by the Allegheny-Fayette Central Labor Council, a local branch of the AFL-CIO
The Pennsylvania District Council of the Laborers International Union of North America has one of the largest wallets in the region, and GOP candidate Joe Rockey lost no time in citing its support of his bipartisan appeal in a heavily Democratic county where he is seeking to run as a moderate against progressive Democrat Sara Innamorato.
The Republican candidate for Allegheny County executive picked up a rare, but not unprecedented, endorsement from a large labor union on Thursday. The Pennsylvania District Council of the Laborers International Union of North America endorsed Republican Joe Rockey, a retired chief risk officer at PNC. He is facing state Rep.