A cemetery that has become overrun with weeds and disappearing grave markers could make a comeback with the work of a dedicated group of volunteers and a newly-created board of directors.
Doug Mastriano is a powerhouse. There is no other word.
HIs list of accomplishments reads like who’s who among American heroes. And that is just the beginning.
U.S. Army Colonel Doug Mastriano is a combat veteran. He served at the Iron Curtain in West Germany and along the East German and Czechoslovakian borders. He was deployed to Iraq for Operation Desert Storm to liberate Kuwait. His regiment led the attack against Saddam’s elite Republican Guard forces.
Colonel Doug Mastriano was the lead planner for the operation to invade Iraq via Turkey. He served four years with NATO and deployed three times to Afghanistan. He was the director of NATO’s Joint Intelligence Center in Afghanistan, leading 80 people from 18 nations. Most inspiring was his leading of seven relief operations to help Afghan orphans.