The show is inspired by the popular story of Alibaba and the forty thieves. However, now Abhishek Nigam and Manul Chudasama have entered the show as the new leads and we must say that the audience response is really lovely. |
While Dangal 2 is known for broadcasting re-runs of the Dangal shows, it is being reported that the channel will begin broadcasting new programs and that new shows are being commissioned for the same. |
The show is inspired by the popular story of Alibaba and the forty thieves. However, Abhishek Nigam and Manul Chudasama have entered the show as the new leads and we must say that the audience's response is really lovely. |
The show is inspired by the popular story of Alibaba and the forty thieves. However, now Abhishek Nigam and Manul Chudasama have entered the show as the new leads and we must say that the audience response is really lovely. |
Sayantani has been entertaining the audience with her stellar performances for a long time now and is known for her roles in Naamkaran, Sanjivani 2, Tera Yaar hoon Main among other shows and has been part of Ali Baba for quite some time now! |