Credit: CWRU
CLEVELAND A team of researchers from Case Western Reserve University has discovered a formulation of existing medicines that can significantly reduce the presence of the fungus
Candida auris (
C. auris) on skin, controlling its spread and potentially keeping it from forming infections that have a high mortality rate.
By using a proprietary formulation of topical medications terbinafine or clotrimazole, researchers prevented the growth and spread of the fungus on the skin of a host; the findings appear in the most recent issue of the journal
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. It s a very difficult fungus to kill because it is highly resistant and opportunistic generally taking hold in those whose immune systems are already battling other threats, said Mahmoud Ghannoum, who led the research as director of the Center for Medical Mycology at the Case Western Reserve School of Medicine and University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center. It s promising that we w
APT™ Formulation Combats Multi-Drug Resistant Candida auris: An Emerging Global Healthcare Threat
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Candida auris is a multi-drug resistant fungus which can be fatal. There is up to a 55% mortality rate if C. auris enters a patients’ bloodstream. Recent studies conducted at Case Western Reserve University, using highly resistant strains of C. auris provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), have demonstrated that APT™ based antifungal formulations are highly effective in killing this deadly fungus on skin surfaces. The APT™ formulations are the only known effective method that has the potential to remove C. auris from the skin of patients and healthcare workers.