His new restaurant in Penacook, opening soon at the former home of Donatello’s Pizza, keeps his mind occupied, and that’s just fine with Danny Pilsbury.“The two women you love the most in life have been taken far too soon,” Pilsbury said last week..
Carisa Corrow of Penacook is co-author of “126 Falsehoods We Believe About Education” and founder of Educating for Good. Lawsuits around school funding have proven ineffective in actually improving school funding in New Hampshire.Claremont certainly.
PENACOOK Violinist concert ■On July 6, Jessica Myers, violinist, will perform at 6:30 p.m. at United Church of Penacook as part of Avaloch Farm Music Institute’s community outreach. Additional information about Jessica Myers can be found at.
It’s nearly impossible to walk through the halls of Merrimack Valley High School and not see a reminder of Kevin O’Brien.In the gym where the banners hang and proudly display championship seasons for the Pride’s programs, the boys’ basketball banner.
When Jessica Wheeler Russell and her husband Adam Russell moved to Penacook in 2017, the local school system was one of their primary considerations. Their two sons, aged one and three at the time, would soon be school-aged.Wheeler Russell grew up.