ocean views, great real estate, former u.s. prison of detainees. the cubans want gitmo. they want the real estate, lock, stock and barrel. to former pentagon spokesman who says no way even though, j.d., i m hearing that secretary of state kerry has not unequivocally said no way. at this time he is stressing it is not part of the deal. i hope we don t give them gitmo. it s valuable to us. we have had it since 1903, and to break the lease both heads of state have to sign it. so i hope president obama doesn t do it. the white house says it didn t minute, to but the white house cut congress out completely when they negotiated the normalization of real estates in canada. pen rhodes from the national security committee was there in canada secretly negotiating with the cubans, so you can t trust anything that the white house says. i do wonder whether you re on the left or right on this issue we have normalized relations to the extent we re opening up