10 Cities Where Black Americans Fare Best Economically
Black Americans have higher incomes and higher rates of homeownership here.
This story originally appeared on SmartAsset.com.
Nationwide, when it comes to wealth and personal finance success, Black Americans generally have less. U.S. Census Bureau data from 2019 shows that the median Black household income is 33% lower than the overall median household income and the Black homeownership rate is 22 percentage points lower than the general homeownership rate. Data on wealth accumulation depicts even starker disparities: Black families’ net worth is 87% lower than that of white families and 33% lower than that of Hispanic families, according to the Federal Reserve’s 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances.
These U.S. Cities Will Be Most Impacted By Rising Sea Levels
If sea levels rise as predicted, these cities will be in deep trouble.
This story originally appeared on Construction Coverage.
Increasing global temperatures will bring changes to our environment, economy, and society, but one of the most pronounced effects will be the impact on sea levels. A 2019 report from the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimated that global mean sea levels will most likely rise between 0.95 foot and 3.61 feet by 2100 due to thermal expansion of water, the melting of glacial ice, and disruption to major ocean currents. The IPCC estimates that worldwide, high seas could displace or affect 680 million people living in coastal areas.