Much has been written about the Battle of Crete and the Battle of Greece, and more is to be written about the time when Greeks and Australians fought bravely and sacrificed their lives for freedom. Years later, both Australian and Greek veterans met, time and time again, after the elements had washed away the blood-soaked fields of valour.
This year, like every other, Anzac Day will be commemorated in Greece. Preparations are under way to ensure that here in Greece we remember the 700 Australians and 1200 New Zealanders who gave their all for freedom.
This year in addition to European and North American tourists, Aussies are expected to dominate the scene to visit the HANZAC memorial, located in Pellana, Lakonia, Greece.
New Australians to our shores would often ask, why is Gallipoli so important to Australians? The answer is a complex conglomeration of national sorrow, grief, loss, and remembrance that transformed the military defeat into an iconic status; writes Peter Adamis.